talent led

     "I succeed throughout my life though still felt empty.  I made "safe" choices for fear of pursuing my truest desires.  I doubted my talent and questioned my heart.  Talent Led facilitated a massive transformation in my life where I leverage natural potential to passionately live my dreams while manifesting extraordinary results.  I'm thrilled for others to experience living their dreams through the magic of Talent Led."
                                                                                                                                                ~ Susan Stackpole , Founder/President, of Talent Led
     "Talent Led Coaching has become the enabling force for me finding and creating my niche, just as looking in a mirror every morning becomes habitual, so have Susan's effective methods.  She has become my mirror and has helped me to perceive the reflection in a much more empowering way. 
     Through enlightening speech/thought processes and procedures for accountability, Susan has provided the means for me to vanquish my fears and attract the "permission" to pursue my dreams and step outside myself, get out of my own way, and to allow the inside to lead the outside.
     I no longer sabotage myself with self-defeatist lingo and Susan's coaching sessions nudge me forward to the point of where baby steps become leaps and ultimately, I find myself reaching for all those things that once seemed impossible.  Susan helps me to reconnect and trust the inner child within and frees the talent led voice to explore all the possibilities and not over analyze the reasons why.
     Talent Led Coaching builds the bridge for reconnecting to one's truest passions through goal-setting and recognizing those factors that deter each of us from those goals. Susan has unblocked the "creative" vibrations within my psyche and given me the permission to open the parachute and fly."
                                                                        ~ Beverley A. Hissam  of Beverley Hissam Studio , Professional Vocalist, Instructor

believe. create. love.

Copyright 2010 Talent Led, L.L.C.

All the darkness in the world cannot extinquish the light of a single cancle - yet one candle can illuminate all the darkness. 
~ Talmudic Proverb


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